Sunday, January 6, 2008

Added Google Adsense

ok so i added Google AdSense to my blog. If you have never used Google AdSense or AdWords it its very intereting. Setting up the account and working with the interface it fairly easy. Its really easy to set up a blog and then a Google AdSense account and place ads on your blog. So in like tens years or so I might make $100.00 which with inflation might buy me a lunch. Oh if ever
you could count on your friends its to visit your new site. HA!

A goog tip from the AdSense blog:

- make sure the ad unit with highest Click Through Rate (CTR) is first
- more ad units the better
- first ad unit on a page always shows the top ads that win the ad auction
- the first ad unit on the page will display ads first
- use custom channels to determine which of your ad units has the highest CTR
- the first ad unit in the source code is not always the first ad unit that your users will see when the page finishes loading in their browser.
-if you use DIV tags, the google adsense system may recognize an ad unit which users see at the bottom of the page as the first ad unit


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