Friday, February 29, 2008

FOWA Miami 08

So today, a leap year day, I had the pleasure of attending FOWA Miami and it was very fun!
"where the pioneers of the cutting edge web meet"

Ok I buy that tag line. It was full of energy, ideas and inspirational testimonies of start up woes and success. As a software developer I was intrigued by the speakers sharing their experiences of dealing with issues day to day developing and promoting their ideas. It sounded very much like my own shop and how we are dealing with similar issues and growing pains of making decisions that have effects which may be known or unknown. It was educational and fun and I would certainly recommend it to anyone interested.
So the day started with Kathy Sierra speaking on Creating Passionate Users. She is brilliant and a very good speaker. I thought she gave the best presentation that made me think about my site and answering the provocations that are important to building community sites.
Such questions as:
  1. How to create passionate users?
  2. How to add human elements to your site?
  3. Getting through the mind to the brain.
  4. How do you observe the user?
  5. Do you have a 'WTF?' button so users can tell you they don't like something.
  6. How do you "Touch" your users.
She definitely inspired my team to think about what experience users may have on the site.

The next speaker was Matt Mullenweg from WordPress. Matt had some informative points about site architecture and scalability. I agree with him on the essential issue that when your site starts serving a large number of users the best thing to do is give the users features that they can decide how to best use. So to relate to my site, large lists dont work. Rather, build features that allow the user to choose what works for them. Allow the user to define how they will organize their information on your site thus enabling the user to create their own experience. This is valuable knowledge because instead of saying this is how the user will use the site. You say this feature will allow the user to choose an experience that makes sense to them. This approach says create building blocks and not cookie cutter experiences. Remember, each user is unique!

I feel that these two lessons were really the essence of FOWA and the other presenters had much to say but on the aspect of the future of cutting edge social web, these two lessons speak volumes.
So I feel that the lessons learned are:
  1. Create user value first - users must find that it solves a problem
  2. Allow users to experience the value in their own way
  3. social web is about building relationships that matter in various ways
  4. keep it simple enough that users can intuitively use and relate
  5. execution - time is of the essence

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Search Twitter posts

A very cool thing...

A site to search twitter posts.

Pick anything and search twitter. Its a hot tool for the hottest thing on the web.
I searched on 'Microsoft' and after sorting out the crap...I found some great posts.
You can find news here before its posted on the major networks as industry insiders often post their tid bits here first.

Added Google Adsense

ok so i added Google AdSense to my blog. If you have never used Google AdSense or AdWords it its very intereting. Setting up the account and working with the interface it fairly easy. Its really easy to set up a blog and then a Google AdSense account and place ads on your blog. So in like tens years or so I might make $100.00 which with inflation might buy me a lunch. Oh if ever
you could count on your friends its to visit your new site. HA!

A goog tip from the AdSense blog:

- make sure the ad unit with highest Click Through Rate (CTR) is first
- more ad units the better
- first ad unit on a page always shows the top ads that win the ad auction
- the first ad unit on the page will display ads first
- use custom channels to determine which of your ad units has the highest CTR
- the first ad unit in the source code is not always the first ad unit that your users will see when the page finishes loading in their browser.
-if you use DIV tags, the google adsense system may recognize an ad unit which users see at the bottom of the page as the first ad unit


Observations of Google AdSense and getting more CPC

I was talking to a friend recently about Google AdSense and how we are using it on our website. So I thought I would blog it and describe some of my observations while implementing it. So I don't know exactly how Google targets ads for a site with AdSense but trying some different techniques and paying attention to the ads that get rendered I did discover that our urls made a big difference. Basically the ads that got displayed seem to closely match what the page url looked like. So if there are powerful keywords in our urls then the ads that get rendered are closely matched to those keywords. So keeping with my examples present on this blog (fishing) ... an example of how this worked.

In our development environment we build ASP.NET applications using Visual Studio we create a web application project with a name such as FishingWebsite.csproj. So if we run that app using localhost then we get http://localhost/fishingwebsite/ .
So running the site on my local development machine and viewing the Google AdSense I might see ads such as "how to fish".
When that site is deployed to a production environment you might have your business domain such as .
If the production url was the ads rendered by AdSense would read like "professional software development" or "build a site now".
This example is as basic as it comes but it gives you an idea of the different results I've observed using AdSense.
After discussing this event with others in my company we agreed that surely Google must use more than simply the url to decide which ads to render but I after that simple test its clear that having a strong url is a good start for get those targeted ads you desire to render on your site.

More proof?
So after learning that simple pattern of keyword placement in the url I decided to take it step further. Our production site includes some content on video on credit cards and credit scores. The page that displays these video links is not targeted to credit cards but it includes language and video links to many different types of content and video. With so much varying content and links its really hard to give that page a heavy weighting toward the topic of credit alone.
Guess what? When I clicked to watch the video on credit scores the ads displayed were "wipe out credit card debt". The phrase 'credit-counseling' was in the url on the page with mixed content. After that test I felt it was convincing enough to make decisive moves for designing my urls to target keywords.

This brings me to my next point...making money! So Adwords has a keyword search tool that allows you to get an idea of what people are paying for certain keywords and some degree of search demand for that keyword. So I used that tool and searched on some keywords and typed in $5.00 for the estimated cost per click (CPC). The results can be both interesting and disappointing because you get some idea of what people are paying for certain keywords but exact numbers are not available. I don't have a lot of experience using an AdSense account for searching keywords so I cant comment on the tool's full suite of options but the free tool is some what helpful.
I searched on the phrase 'florida mortgage' and got some results and saw some numbers that seemed good to me (4.50 cpc).
I find this useful because if I wanted to get AdSense ads on my site with a high cpc I would try to target my urls and page content using the keywords I found using the keyword search tool. Now this is not guaranteed to get those high cpc ads on my site by atleast I know I have designed my urls and page content is closely aligned with keywords that tend to get high cpc ads.
The idea is ofcourse that I have urls that offer users ads that have high cpc. Some of the users that visit the site will click the ads and my argument is that I'd rather have the high cpc ads showing on my site instead of the low cpc ads.

Ofcourse this experiment is still in progress.

the internet start up experience

the internet start up experience

Saturday, December 22, 2007

How to make a website lesson 1

Summary: Article 1 in a series of many on how to make a website. This series of articles is a basic primer on how to make a website from a computer programmer’s perspective using software development techniques.

1. What is a website and how do people access the website?
2. What do the terms Client and Server mean with respect to computer technology?
3. Where does a website live on a computer?
4. How is a website organized?
5. What is a web browser and what is HTML?
6. My first web page.

Ok this is my first lesson ever so if things are not right or seem confusing then just let me know and Ill try to clean up my act and make it read right for you.

So we have a simple list of goals and they might appear to be too simple but its important to be detail oriented when approaching software development because this practice will return some big favors to you later in your development.

First Advice:
Get used to reading and mental grasping even if you don’t understand the true meaning of the sentence. By simply reading each word you begin to get better and you’ll eventually pick up what is going on. Its not rocket science its only software.

Lets begin…

Goal 1: What is a website and how do people access the website?

A website is the new information medium of the day and is part of a new era! Why is this so special? Because in the old days people would have to wait for a newspaper, a television show, or radio show to reveal to them information of the day. People would go to large public libraries to read books on what ever interests them. Now people have a new place to access large amount of information and entertainment. The internet has forever changed human behavior on earth. This has all come about because computers can now communicate to each other.
Well all know how to use a telephone. Pick up the phone, enter the phone number and speak! Well computers do the same thing only they offer a rich experience and much more information. Computers communicate with one another using a number just like a telephone number but the communications between computers can carry more information and allow the user a better experience using the device. Think phone, television, and now computer internet!
Ok so a website is set of documents that organize information. This information can be plain text or rich interactive screens and even videos.
Basically a website contains documents called web pages that are organized to provide a meaningful experience to the person viewing the pages. People use a computer to access the pages on a website that is connected to general network called the Internet. So if you are using your computer to access a website then your computer has to have a connection to the internet. The computer has a software program called a Web Browser that knows how to connect to the internet and request a website page. When you open your Web Browser and type in a web site address such as your computer will know how to communicate with the computer that holds the pages to the website Basically your computer makes a phone call to another computer and once they connect they can then begin to communicate between each other.

Goal2: What do the terms Client and Server mean with respect to computer technology?

When you type in the address of a web site such as your computer is acting as a client that requests a document hosted on another computer. The computer that holds that page is called a Server because it serves that page back to your computer. The Client requests a page from the Server that keeps that page ready for people to view.

Goal 3: Where does a website live on a computer?
Websites consist of a bunch of documents that hold information. Usually websites are organized in way that makes sense for the person using the documents. So imagine creating four pages of text about the subject of fishing. You probably want to start with an introduction page to let readers know what they are getting when they view the first page of your documents. Then you’ll have more content about fishing in the other documents. Each document should hold different information regarding different topics for fishing.
Computers have two basic organizational structures: a file and a directory (as known as a folder). So to keep things simple we organize our information about fishing in files and folders.
Now we all have used many types of computer documents including photo files, videos, text files, and many other types. For our discussion we will discuss files and folders that make up websites.
So a website is made up from text files that live in folders (directories) on the computer.
A website could look like this:
The computer’s C:\My Website\page_one.html
We will discuss the .html file type later.

Goal 4: How is a website organized?
Websites are organized in a directory structure that makes sense.
A website that is about the subject fishing might look like this:

C:\Web Sites\fishing\page one.html
C:\Web Sites\fishing\fishing rods\page_two.html
C:\Web Sites\fishing\fishing reels\page_three.html
C:\Web Sites\fishing\fishing lures\page_four.html

Following the directory structure above we can see that there are three directories that hold web page files about fishing.
I added the Web Sites folder for simple organization. One rule in building web sites is to be organized. Note that the C:\ is your computer’s C: drive.

Goal 5: What is a web browser and what is HTML?
Before we begin to make our website we should discuss a few things.
A Web Browser is simply a software application that lives on your computer that allows you to view a web page. In reality a Web Browser is not simple. It really is a piece of software that does quite a lot of work for you.
Today there are many types of Web Browsers such as FireFox and Internet Explorer.
We will only focus on these two browsers but to let you know there are more browser software applications that exist.
Generally a web browser allows you to view your web pages. The browser opens the page and knows how to display the page. When you think about pages and documents you can think about using the computer to view information in some organized fashion.
If you create a Word document using Microsoft Word, that document is organized so that is can be opened by software that knows how to organize the contents of that document.
HTML is a document format. This means that you can organize web page documents using HTML and a web browser knows to display that document.
HTML is also a computer programming language. Basically it is a way of organizing a page of content so that is displays correctly in a web browser.
When a Web Browser opens a document that is written in HTML then the browser knows how to arrange the content and elements in the document so that when you view the document it makes sense and it is organized for a human to read.

Goal 6: My First Web Page!
Lets organize our work into a nice little folder on the c: drive. If you don’t know where that is or what that is I’ll explain. Basically a computer stores its files on a hard drive. This is called Read Only Memory or ROM. There is an other type of computer memory called Random Access Memory also know as RAM.
When you make a file and save it on your computer it is saved on the hard drive. If you open that file to view it then the computer loads that file into RAM so that you can make edits to the file and choose to save or discard your changes. Why do they call it C: drive? Long story short it’s a historical practice because A and B were already being used for other purposes. The computer needs to organize the ROM drives and using letters seems like a good fit.
Ok back to C:\. If you open a Windows Explorer window (Right click on Start and choose Explore). You will see a tree list of folders in the left side. Click My Computer and then click c:. Make a new folder called Learning like this: c\Learning. Make one more folder called Lesson 1 like this c:\Learning\lesson_one\.

Now lets make the following page and run it.

My First Web Page!

Step 1: Open Notepad. (Start > All Programs > Accessories >Notepad)
Step 2: Copy and paste the above code and save as PageOne.html in the folder c:\Learning\lesson_one\
Step 3: Browse to the new file. Right click and find the option ‘Open With’ then choose Internet Explorer. Or simply double click on the file and it should load up in Internet Explorer.
Congratulations you’ve just built your first web page by hand.
Its that easy! Ok now lets try something just to learn another technique.
In internet Explorer go to the top menu and choose View > Source. This action reveals to you the HTML language used to build the page. This becomes very helpful when you want to trouble shoot your code or learn about someone else’s on other websites.

Ok here is some additional material in case you feel like learning ahead.
This website is packed with all kinds of lessons and great learn examples. Click around and try to learn some of their lessons.

Next lesson we will build some tables to arrange the page with some content and then give it some colors. We will also learn about the most basic HTML tags.

Like I said...simple!

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
Albert Einstein